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Covington Travel Posted by: Covington Travel 3 years ago

Family vacations should be a fun, stress-free way to connect with your loved ones. Why do they often turn into more work than relaxation, leaving you feeling like you need another vacation to recover from the “vacation” you just took?

When you’re trying to organize multiple family members, often with multiple generations represented, all with a variety of interests and needs, planning family travel quickly becomes overwhelming.

Don’t stress, we’re here to help!

Be Prepared

Preparation and planning ahead of time is your best bet to have the family vacation of your dreams.

If you’re considering taking a family trip in 2022, now is the time to give us a call and let our Virtuoso Travel Advisors start planning for you.

7 Tips To Make Family Travel Easy

Plan Kid-Approved Activities

There are so many fun, unconventional ways to experience cultural landmarks and art while still keeping both kids and adults entertained and interested.

Include Everyone In The Planning Process

Before you start working with our Virtuoso Travel Advisors at Covington Travel, Inc (CTI), invite everyone going on the family vacation to share their ideas.

Ask your kids where they’d like to go and what they want to do so you can make sure they have as much fun as the adults.

Turn Long Trips Into Fun

Sometimes the actual travel part of your vacation is the least fun, especially for young children. Turn long flights, train rides, or car drives into surprise-filled activities. 

Hide gifts in your child’s carry-on or backpack for them to discover and interact with throughout the trip!

If it’s a particularly long travel experience, consider giving them a new “gift” every hour to make the experience last.

Make Hotel Rooms Feel Like Home

Whether you’re vacationing with young children, older adults, or anyone in between, it can be difficult to sleep in a new hotel or resort since it feels so different compared to home.

When you work with one of our Virtuoso Travel Advisors, we can connect with your hotel or resort for special accommodations.

Plan Ahead For Meals

Have a picky eater or someone with strict dietary restrictions? That doesn’t mean you can’t vacation in an exotic location, you just need to plan ahead!

Most resorts are used to accommodating dietary restrictions even for children and offer menus that range from gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian, and more.

Think Outside The Norm

Want your family to experience something different on your next vacation? We are connected around the world. That means you can explore just about any location on the planet with our help!

Just Go!

The biggest piece of advice we give families, especially those with young children, is to just go!

Don’t put off traveling and experiencing wonderful family vacations because you’re worried about traveling with kids. 

Our Virtuoso Travel Advisors are here to make sure your family travel experience runs smoothly and is planned to specifically accommodate your family’s needs.

Great family vacations we’ve helped our clients experience have included every type of destination, from dude ranches to cruises, to warm beaches, and everywhere in between.

Ready To Get Started?

Have you been thinking about planning your next family getaway? We’re here to help. If you know you want to take a family vacation in 2022, now is the time to get started!

Contact us today for more information about our travel consultation services.

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